Register now as a seller for Free
We will make you register on Amazon Seller Central completely free of charges with minimum 2 months of Account Management service for your Amazon account.
Start Selling
Register your seller account on and start selling your products
We make new sellers register on Seller Central with 2 months of Account Management Service for your seller account.
Biggest Opportunity to Jump into the Giant E-commerce Marketplace, i.e., Amazon (
Manufacturer, Dealer, Distributor, Retailer, Work from home professionals who is having products, can start selling globally on Amazon. Selling on Amazon is beneficial for all types of sellers, irrespective of business size.
High Traffic
Greater Reputation
Easy Store Setup
Shipping & Fulfilment Options
We, Faddal Industries Limited is the authorized partner company of Amazon, having authority to provide FREE Registration Services to the sellers. Also we are
Amazon Seller Partner to provide Registration, Account management, all types of Seller Support
Amazon SPN Partner to Provide Various SPN Services
Amazon Advertising Service Provider to Provide Advertisement Support to Sellers
Amazon Global Selling Partner to Provide Global Onboarding Service to New & Existing Sellers
Why to Register on Amazon?
Lower Ecommerce Business Cost
Work from any place of India
Reach Millions of Customers
Deliverable to Maximum Pin codes
Grow Reputation Selling on the most trusted and widespread ecommerce platform often make it a clear winner on sales, compare to retail and unknown platforms.
Increased Efficiency Selling on an efficient and most trusted platform like Amazon helps to boost sales in Global Market.
Growth Potential Amazon is the only largest ecommerce platform in India where there is huge traffic that helps sellers to expand their business.
Researched Platform Amazon has its own style guide and targeted tools to design comprehensive product information.
Delight customers with offers On the Amazon marketplace, sellers has bunch of options to make offers for buyers thus buyers can get attracted to the offers and deals and purchase products instantly.
Easy Shipment of Products Amazon offers EasyShip and SelfShip Services for customers thus buyers receive their parcel on-time.
Convenient Customer Service Amazon’s expert customer service team manages all types of queries and provides a prompt action.
Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) With the Amazon FBA program seller can sell their products with 3 times profitability without any hassle.
Digital Advertisement Sellers can increase their visibility and discoverability with paid and sponsored ad, PPC.
What you will get?
Seller Registration
Listing & Cataloguing
Product Description Writing
Seller Training
AdCredit of Rs. 2000
Sales Boosting
Account Management
Order Processing
Ad management and Optimization
Consulting to achieve success on Amazon Selling
We, Faddal Industries Limited is the authorized partner company of Amazon, having authority to provide FREE Seller Registration Services on Amazon along with 60 days Account Management Service.